For the second year in a row Charity Navigator, the largest nonprofit evaluator in the US, has awarded Taxpayers for Common Sense a 4-star “exceptional” rating for “sound fiscal management and commitment to accountability and transparency.”  Only 17% of charities have received at least two consecutive 4-star evaluations, indicating that TCS outperforms most other charities in America.

Charity Navigator’s goal is to provide donors with the information needed to give them greater confidence in the charitable choices they make. TCS received a score of 64.38 out of a possible 70, placing us in their “exceptional” category and differentiating us from our peers. Receiving the 4 stars demonstrates to the public that TCS is worthy of their trust, and it is a testament to the value we place on spending the generous contributions from our donors responsibly.

Taxpayers for Common Sense is grateful for the hundreds of generous individuals and charitable foundations who support our work each year. It is thanks to our donors that we are able to pursue our mission with integrity, and we want our supporters to understand that we are using your support effectively and efficiently.

Click here to view TCS’ Charity Navigator Profile.
Click here to DONATE to Taxpayers for Common Sense online or here to download a contribution form for the mail.

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