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In 2017, Congress authorized federal oil and gas leasing and development in the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), claiming it would generate $900 million in federal revenue. But even with the rosiest revenue projections taxpayers are more likely to receive about $20 million. Right now, U.S. oil and gas production is high, prices are low, and the risks to drill in this inaccessible, sensitive area in Alaska are very real. With revenue likely to fall dramatically short for taxpayers, drilling in ANWR lacks common sense. Read our report here

* % of Acres Bid-The percentage (50%) of offered parcels adjacent to the Coastal Plain of ANWR ever bid on by the oil and gas industry, 1999-2018
**High-end avg. bid/acre-The 2014-2018 average bid for all onshore parcels sold on Alaska’s North Slope, adjusted to $2018-$53.21/acre
***Total Revenue-Total bonus bids received for ANWR leases, of which half is shared with the state of Alaska

Read our report here

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