The agreement directs $7.65 billion to the Civil Works Division of the Army Corps of Engineers. This exceeds by more than $2.8 billion the amount of funding requested in the President’s budget. Loading up the ACOE-CW budget with billions beyond the President’s request, is a time honored tradition for Congress. Funding for the nation’s navigation waterways, flood reduction projects, and environmental restoration are just too tempting.

Pres Request Appropriation Difference % Difference
2018 $5,002,000,000  $6,827,000,000  $1,825,000,000 36.49%
2019 $4,784,583,000  $6,998,500,000  $2,213,917,000 46.27%
2020 $4,827,000,000  $7,650,000,000  $2,823,000,000 58.48%


Year Increase
FY14 13%
FY15 20%
FY16 27%
FY17 31%
FY18 36%
FY19 46%
FY20 58%

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