We had our share of challenges this year with a new Congress and a new administration. But this isn’t our first rodeo, and we logged a couple of wins…

After working to update rules for natural gas waste to THIS century, the new rules immediately came under attack in Congress. But, the work we did to ensure a fair return to taxpayers from federal lands withstood the repeal in a dramatic bipartisan vote!

No one likes the hall monitor. This year when the Office Of Congressional Ethics came under fire, we stepped up to save it. We were extremely happy to be joined by our partners to save this important office.

We also defended the scorekeeper, the Congressional Budget Office when it was subjected to criticism.

There is no denying that 2017 was a pretty partisan year, so we were proud to be a part of a coalition of groups that are working on bipartisan reform for the Farm Bill.

It is a massive piece of legislation, but we have a starting point that seriously addresses the waste and inefficiencies of the current program.

Thank you for making all of this work possible.

Without your support, we can’t do the in-depth, detailed research that we need to provide lawmakers and the public with the facts.

Please, take this opportunity to support our work. Thank you for everything you’ve done, and we look forward to working together in 2018.

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