Please join Taxpayers for Common Sense, the National Taxpayers Union,

The Heritage Foundation, and the Competitive Enterprise Institute for a briefing on

Department of Energy Loan Guarantees:
Should Taxpayers Bear the Risks for the Energy Sector with Loan Guarantees?

A Conservative Take
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
4:30 pm -5:30 pm
441 Cannon House Office Building

On Wednesday, April 13th, Taxpayers for Common Sense, National Taxpayers Union, The Heritage Foundation, and the Competitive Enterprise Institute will hold a discussion on the impacts of federal energy loan guarantees on the federal budget and energy markets. President Obama’s FY2012 budget request includes a $36 billion increase in the loan guarantee program for nuclear projects along with $200 million in credit subsidy to support $1 billion to $2 billion in loan guarantees for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects and Congress must decide whether it is in the taxpayers’ interest to continue to provide increased budget authority to the program.

Opening remarks from Congressman Tom McClintock

Ryan Alexander, President, Taxpayers for Common Sense

Jack Spencer, Research Fellow, Nuclear Energy, The Heritage Foundation
Andrew Moylan, Vice President of Government Affairs, National Taxpayers Union
William Yeatman, Assistant Director, Center for Energy and Environment, Competitive Enterprise Institute

Please RSVP to Taxpayers for Common Sense at or 202-546-8500 ex.118

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