The President’s budget released last week includes $ 26.3 billion for the Department of Energy, a $2.1 billion increase over 2008 and $7.6 billion decrease from what is projected for 2009 because of spending included in the stimulus. While the numbers were not a significant departure from the Bush Administration the distribution may end up being quite different, but we’ll have to wait until April to see any specific breakdowns.

Despite not getting all the nitty gritty, the President’s energy budget did release highlights. The highlights included increased funds for clean energy research, increased support for “low carbon” technology including clean coal, continued support for high-risk energy projects through loan guarantees, expanded support for transmission and smart grid technologies. It also addresses nuclear security and environmental risks.

The preliminary documents released also indicate that the budget will support increased loan guarantees for “clean” technologies. We urge the Administration not to increase funds for the DOE Title XVII Loan Guarantee Program which already has more than $40 billion in budget authority and $8 billion appropriated in the Economic Recovery Act. Both the DOE Inspector General’s office have voiced concerns with the program’s readiness to award loan guarantees and with billions on the line slated for high risk projects the Administration should not request any additional funding for the program.

For more information, please contact Autumn Hanna at (202) 546-8500 x112 or autumn[at]

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